Sometimes you create and let it go — "ship it," as my husband says, and you have to know that it will end up in good hands. You have to believe that what you made will be understood. This is a scary proposition as an artist... for multiple reasons. Sometimes you don't want to be understood. Sometimes you need it to remain unknown. But sometimes you create because you know it is your responsibility to tell a story for others to understand.
Christine Riccelli gets it.
In the Editor's Note of the July/August 2017 issue of dsm Magazine, she asks the question "How do you feel about the cover?" But her follow-up statement is just as important. "I'm not asking what you think about it, but how you feel."
These women made me feel. On a rainy Saturday, we met to find out that instead of shooting on the main stage, we were in the basement theatre. The group shot I planned couldn't exist as I needed it to. The concept I had in mind had to be scrapped. Our collective nerves were as high as the energy.
But these women made me feel.
And as Ken-Matt Martin, Pyramid Theatre Company's co-founder and executive director describes, these are the "kind of who are born to do what they want to do."
Shooting with them that rainy Saturday, they gave me their attention their attention and their presence. They gave me hope. They gave me more than what I can properly express, in words or photographs.
It is my absolutely hope, that what I created, is understood in a way that realizes the rightful place these women deserve as leading ladies — both on the stage and off. Full story here.